Time Management Strategies
Jan 13, 2025We don’t manage time, we manage tasks, so if you feel you have a lot on your plate, now is the perfect opportunity to try out my simple steps on how to make a plan for that mental load we carry around with us all day long! I typically do this strategy Monday mornings, I highly encourage you to find a time during the week that works best for you and make this a normal weekly practice. Once you do it a few times, the mental load gets lighter and you can breeze through this strategy in no time. It takes me about 15 mins to do every week.
Easy Time Management Strategy:
Grab a blank piece of paper and create a few categories (i.e., work, personal, self-care, side hustle, etc)
Brain dump everything that’s swirling around in that head of yours under the correct column on your paper.
Once you have everything written down, open up your calendar, and block time to get each item done:
Make a plan for it!
Be intentional and realistic.
Some tasks may flow into next week and that’s ok!
Once you have everything scheduled, ONLY think about what you have scheduled for that day. Nothing else! That’s the secret sauce. Stop allowing things to live in your head rent free!
If you have a presentation next week, and you scheduled 3 hours Weds afternoon to get it done, and it’s currently monday afternoon, you’re not going to think about it.
Leave your brain dump sheet on the counter so your family can see your mental load (or burn it. That works too! Just burn it safely).
If thoughts start to bubble up, tell yourself, I made a plan, I don’t need to think about it right now.
Be unapologetic about the tasks you have planned to get done that day. If something urgent bubbles up, take a pause and ask yourself if it’s really that important. If so, adjust your calendar. If not, find another date and time for your plan of attack.
You can use this brain dump approach for really busy seasons as well.
Brain dump everything
Theme it
Get it on the calendar
Ask someone for help
I hope you try this strategy out.